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Full & Partial Dentures – Tullahoma, TN

Restoring Function and Aesthetics to Your Smile

Living with multiple failing teeth is discouraging. It can be challenging and even painful to eat the foods you once enjoyed, and you might feel embarrassed interacting with others due to the appearance of your teeth.

Unfortunately, the loss of one or more teeth tends to lead to more tooth loss as your jawbone begins to deteriorate when your roots are lost. Surrounding teeth may also begin to shift into the open space left by missing teeth, and this may result in bite misalignment.

The good news is that full and partial dentures are an excellent option for restoring multiple and even an entire arch of missing teeth. Here’s what you should know about dentures in Tullahoma.

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Woman smiling in the dental chair

Dentures are ideal for those who have experienced significant tooth loss. Depending on the number of teeth you have lost and where they are located in the mouth, a customized treatment plan can be made just for you. One of the great things about dentures is that most adults are good candidates. Continue reading to learn about the effects of missing teeth and what qualifies you for dentures.

Effects of Missing Teeth

Closeup of a missing tooth

There are a variety of factors that can lead to tooth loss. The most common causes include tooth decay, gum disease, and injury. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, missing teeth have several negative consequences, like facial sagging, difficulty speaking, trouble eating, and low self-esteem. The good news is that dentures can positively impact all of these areas, therefore improving your quality of life.

What Qualifies You for Dentures?

Woman smiling with dentures

The majority of adults can get dentures. They are great for those who are missing several, most of, or all of their teeth. It is important that denture-wearers maintain healthy gum tissue and have a sufficient jawbone. This can become an issue for those who have been missing teeth for a long time, as the jawbone begins to be reabsorbed by the body. If you have any dental problems, like gum disease or tooth decay, these will need to be eliminated before you can start wearing dentures.

The number of teeth that you are missing will ultimately determine which type of denture you need. One of the great things about dentures is that they are much more affordable than other tooth replacement options, like dental implants. This makes them a great solution for those who are unable to invest a lot of money into their smile at this time.

Alternative Tooth-Replacement Options

Digital illustration of a dental implant

If you aren’t a good candidate for dentures, or they aren’t something that you are interested in, there are some other tooth replacement options that you might want to consider. Here are some of the ones that we offer.

  • Dental Bridges: A dental bridge works by “bridging” the gap in your smile. This method works for patients who are only missing one or a couple of consecutive teeth. A bridge requires that the patient has healthy adjacent teeth surrounding the empty space to support it.
  • Dental Implants: A dental implant is a titanium, screw-like post that is surgically inserted into the jawbone. Patients need to have a solid bone structure and be able to undergo a minor surgical procedure. Dental implants have a higher upfront cost than bridges and dentures, but they are intended to be permanent.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

Learn More About Dental Implants

The Benefits of Dentures

smiling businesswoman holding a tablet

Traditional dentures have a variety of benefits that makes them a top choice among patients, the most obvious being their ability to restore the look and appearance of your smile. With a whole set of teeth again, you’ll find that you’re able to eat more of your favorite foods, speak with greater ease, and smile with confidence. These aren’t minor changes to your life, they’re incredibly impactful. In fact, we’ve seen firsthand how dentures in Tullahoma have turned many patients’ lives around!

Psychological Benefits

a man jogging on a bridge

One of the greatest benefits of investing in your health with dentures is the psychological benefits they offer. Missing teeth aren’t just an inconvenience, they have the ability to make doing basic daily tasks much harder, like eating and speaking, as well as having a drastic impact on your self-esteem.

Ultimately, gaps in your smile can keep you from getting the most with your life, causing you to draw back from friends and family in an effort to avoid social interaction as well as get in your own head about how others view you. Dentures have the ability to erase tooth loss and improve your quality of life, ultimately impacting your psychological health as well as your oral health.  

Improved Speech

two co-workers having a meeting

Your tongue and teeth work in unison to make physically producing speech possible. However, when you have gaps in your smile, you may notice that making certain sounds feels next to impossible, as your tongue and air get trapped in these gaps to make whistling sounds, cause you to develop a lisp, or trip over your words. With your new, custom-crafted dentures, you’ll be able to speak much clearer after a short adjustment period!

Greater Variety in Diet

man looking in his refrigerator

One of the most frustrating aspects of tooth loss is that you can’t eat all of the foods that you love or are used to incorporating into your diet, like certain proteins, crusty breads, and other foods that are chewier and crunchier. With your dentures, you’ll be able to eat a greater variety of foods as well as maximize your nutrient intake by being able to easily chew them.

Boosted Oral Health

a person cleaning their dentures

Studies have shown that those with lost teeth that don’t get them replaced are at a greater risk of additional tooth loss due to declining oral health. Your dentures will give you a boost of morale, encouraging you to take greater care of your remaining natural teeth and gums!

Smile with More Confidence

a smiling woman sitting in a cafe

One of the most common benefits that encourages patients to invest in dentures is the fact that they can smile with confidence again. Having to endure tooth loss can be difficult both emotionally and health-wise. Dentures are able to address both of these concerns, as they offer a beautiful aesthetic and functional result, especially if you decide to have them supported by dental implants.

Indications of Dentures

An image of implant supported dentures.

Partial Denture

A partial denture works like a puzzle piece and fills in the open spaces in your smile with prosthetic teeth. It uses metal clasps to anchor to healthy teeth and fits much like a retainer. Partials are removeable and can easily be taken out at night for cleaning.

Full Denture

A full denture is made of acrylic and designed by your dentist in Tullahoma to restore an entire arch of teeth. It relies on suction and a secure fit to stay in place.

You may be picturing the dentures your grandma wore; however today’s dentures not only complement your skin tone, but they also restore your facial structure. Many patients feel that their dentures take years off of their appearance.

Implant Retained Denture

A happy senior couple.

Dental implants can be used to anchor full dentures and provide a more secure and stable fit for denture wearers. A few dental implants are strategically placed into your jawbone and the denture is designed to “snap” into place. Implants prevent the chance of any movement or slippage when you talk or eat.

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

The cost of dentures varies greatly with each patient’s unique circumstances and the complexity of their case. The best way to determine how much your denture will be is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Petty so he can evaluate all the factors of your case such as what type of denture is needed, how many teeth will be extracted, and if implants are right for your needs.

Dr. Petty will be able to quote you an exact price for your denture and all the necessary procedures involved during your consultation. Our knowledgeable and helpful treatment coordinator can help you review insurance coverage for dentures and determine how to comfortably fit your treatment into your budget.

Learn More About the Cost of Dentures

Contact Petty Dental today to schedule your consultation and learn more about the possibilities for your smile!

Dentures FAQs

person smiling and looking at their phone

Restoring your smile with dentures can help boost your confidence and improve the quality of your day-to-day life by making it easier to do simple tasks like eating and speaking. To learn more about what you can expect from your dentures, we’ve answered some common questions that we receive from our patients below.

How often do I need to replace my dentures?

Dentures can’t last a lifetime due to a variety of reasons, such as your changing facial structure due to jawbone deterioration. Because of this, you may notice that after about five to seven years of wearing them, they don’t fit the same as they used to. Here are some signs that you may need to replace your dentures:

If you notice any of these, don’t hesitate to contact our office immediately.

How do I use denture adhesive?

Some patients can use denture adhesive to help improve the stability of their restorations. However, for patients who have never used this before, it can be confusing to apply. Here are some directions to help:

  1. 1. Clean and dry your dentures
  2. 2. Apply the adhesive as directed on the package, but be sure to not use too much!
  3. 3. Insert your dentures into your mouth and briefly hold them in place.
  4. 4. Don’t use your denture adhesive more than once in a day.

If you have any issues with using adhesive, you can always ask us!

Can I sleep in my dentures?

Unfortunately, it’s not recommended to sleep in your dentures for a couple of reasons. First, it’s important to give your gums a rest after supporting your restorations all day. Secondly, you need to store your dentures in room temperature water or a special denture solution to help them retain their shape and continue to fit your mouth properly.

Are dentures expensive?

The cost of your dentures depends on several different factors. Some of these include:

Our team works to maximize your insurance benefits and help make restoring your smile as cost-effective as possible.