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Petty Dental Blog

4 Potential Dangers Associated with DIY Whitening

June 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 6:22 pm

a woman using DIY whitening in Tullahoma to brighten her teeth If you’re like most people who are displeased with the look of their smile, you want a solution that will blast away stains and eliminate discoloration, right? While professional teeth whitening is a safe and effective option, you may be thinking there are cheaper ways to achieve the results you desire. Although you are right that there are less expensive methods available, DIY whitening in Tullahoma isn’t the best option. Here are 4 potential dangers you might experience if you choose to brighten your teeth at home without the help of a professional.


When’s the Time for a New Toothbrush?

April 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 9:19 pm

Several different colored toothbrushes on a tableHow often do you change out your toothbrush? Surprisingly, many dentists recommend that you get a new one every 3 to 4 months – and in certain circumstances you might have to change it out even sooner. It might seem tedious to get a new toothbrush so often, but it’s extremely important if you want to keep your teeth clean and healthy. The information below will give you a clear idea of when you should head to the store to pick up a new brush or brush head. (more…)

Are You at Risk for Oral Cancer?

March 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 5:57 pm

Form assessing risk for oral cancer in TullahomaAt the beginning of this year, it was estimated that 54,000 people in the U.S. would be diagnosed with oral cancer in 2021. It was also projected that close to 10,000 people would die from this disease. Oral cancer in Tullahoma might not get the same level of publicity as other types of cancer, but it certainly deserves our attention! Are you at risk of developing it? Let’s talk about some major risk factors and what you can do to minimize the chances that you will suffer from this devastating disease.


Giving Back Through Local Boy Scouts of America

February 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 5:11 pm

Dr. Petty serving Boy Scouts of America

Community involvement can seem like a lofty goal, but it is easier to reach if you feel passionately about the people or organizations. Here at Petty Dental, we actively prioritize making our area a better place to be by helping organizations and causes we believe in. In addition to our work with the Tullahoma library, 5 Loaves 4 Kids, and several local schools, helping young men achieve some of their life goals through the Boy Scouts of America (Scouts BSA) has personally given me a sense of satisfaction. (more…)

Which Dental Adhesive is Best to Use?

December 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 10:18 pm

a dentist holding a set of full dentures in their left handWondering which denture adhesive in Tullahoma works best for keeping your dentures firmly in place? With so many options available these days, it’s not always easy knowing which to choose and how it will improve the stability of your smile. Read on to hear from a local dentist who shares how power, cream, and strip adhesives work and which one is right for you. (more…)

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