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Petty Dental Blog

4 Ways to Treat Your TMD Pain at Home

February 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 12:27 am
Woman with TMD rubbing her jaw

When you have a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), even basic facial movements like chewing and talking can start to cause you a lot of pain. A trained dentist can help address the problems causing the disorder so that your jaw joints can heal, but in the meantime, you’ll probably want an immediate solution to the pain. Fortunately, you have quite a few options for at-home TMD relief in Tullahoma; here are just a few examples.


Tips to Maximize the Lifespan of Your Veneers

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 10:56 pm
young woman smiling in dental chair

Perhaps more than any other dental treatment, getting porcelain veneers will make you want to show off your transformed smile to everyone you see. Though they can last 10-15 years, they still require proper care to remain beautiful and functional. Keep reading for tips to maximize the lifespan of veneers from your cosmetic dentist in Tullahoma.


Why You Should Go to a Dentist for TMJ Treatment

November 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 1:29 am
patient with jaw pain who needs TMJ therapy in Tullahoma

If you hear popping or clicking sounds while you chew, suffer from persistent ear pain or headaches, or have tenderness in your jaw, you may have a TMJ disorder. Luckily, your dentist can help treat your TMJ issues. Read on to learn about a few common causes of TMJ disorder, the dangers of leaving it untreated, and why you should visit your dentist to receive treatment.


Is It Dangerous to Use Teeth Whitening Products Too Frequently?

September 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 5:59 pm
before and after teeth whitening

You want to brighten your teeth, but you aren’t sure if professional teeth whitening or one of the many store-bought brands is best. Although the kits found at the local drug store are significantly cheaper, you wonder if they might be damaging to your pearly whites, especially if used too often. Before you run out to buy one of these products, spend a few minutes learning why seeing a professional cosmetic dentist is best and how incorrect usage of any do-it-yourself solution can cause serious damage.


How Can Dentures Affect Your Sense of Taste?

August 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 11:11 pm
man not enjoying food illustration

When someone mentions problems with dentures, you might think about them becoming loose in a person’s mouth while eating. What about a food-related issue of another sort – foods and beverages are tasting strange, and it’s actually related to your dentures! Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Tullahoma about how your sense of taste can be impacted by your dental restoration.  

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