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Petty Dental Blog

What Does It Mean if Your Toothache Suddenly Disappears?

September 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 1:23 am
Woman on a couch with pain due to toothache

You’ve been thinking of seeing a dentist to finally deal with your toothache, but then one day the pain seems to disappear entirely. That can only mean that the problem has taken care of itself, right? Wrong. A toothache that goes away on its own is far from a good sign; in fact, it likely means you need to call your emergency dentist more than ever. Here’s why you shouldn’t relax if your tooth pain suddenly vanishes.


How Can Vitamin D Increase the Success of Dental Implants?

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 10:30 pm

Have you recently had your teeth replaced with dental implants? Congratulations – you’re very likely to enjoy your new teeth for decades or even a lifetime! Dental implants already have a high success rate, but there’s one way to boost their longevity that you may not have considered: vitamin D. Keep reading to learn from your dentist how this nutrient could make your dental implants in Tullahoma more successful and where to turn to raise your intake.


Yellow Teeth: Causes & Solutions

June 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 6:58 pm
person having yellow teeth whitened

Bright, white teeth are seen as being the landmarks of a beautiful smile. If your grin is discolored, this can affect both the way people view you and the way you view yourself. Knowing what causes dental discoloration can be helpful in preventing it, so read on to learn about the causes of yellow teeth as well as what your cosmetic dentist can do to help.


5 Reasons to Show Off Your Smile

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 11:22 pm
young man smiling

If your smile is hindered by teeth you feel are subpar, you might be in the habit of hiding them behind your lips or hand. However, flashing your smile not only broadcasts how you’re feeling but also comes with health advantages, including an elevated mood. It can be hard to want to show your pearly whites when they’re crooked, chipped, or discolored, but cosmetic dental treatment can make these issues a thing of the past. Here are five benefits of smiling after investing in cosmetic dentistry according to your dentist in Tullahoma.


Meet Vitamin K2: Why You Need It and How to Get It

March 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 5:57 pm
woman smiling with strong teeth and jawbone from Vitamin K2

You do your best to take care of your body. You brush and floss your teeth every day to fight against oral infection. You also try to stay active and exercise regularly, and you try to have a balanced, healthy diet as well as visit your dentist as often as you should. Maybe you even take supplements to make sure you get the all the nutrition you need.

Your body needs many vitamins and minerals to function properly, and you’re likely already familiar with Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and calcium. However, one that doesn’t get very much media attention is Vitamin K2. Continue reading to learn more about this particular vitamin and how it can help you keep your smile, and the rest of your body, healthy.

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